Sunday, June 9, 2013

Choose now

 It's been a while since I've been on here and honestly I wonder what to write and what others are struggling with at times. I want to write to help and make things a little easier for anyone who may come across these posts so as I formulate this one, please know that feedback and topics or references that I could expand on are always welcomed.
I feel like there have been multiple times the last few months where I've gotten a message about enduring trials. Three weeks ago today I was in Huntington Beach at a Mid-singles conference for the weekend. There were a lot of great opportunities to meet people and have fun but consistently, each of the three years I've gone, I enjoy the saturday workshops and sunday fireside the most. I feel like I get the most out of those.
I think society has been clouding our minds with some simple yet pervasive falsehoods. There is something that I've been noticing about how I and we are tempted. Often is seems like there is nothing mentioned about good or what's right- simply the thought that we should cheat a little. We should bend the rules a little, or that we need to change how we do something because of our circumstances. Well... I guess my question is this; When you give in to that and take the easy way out, the slightly dishonest way out, the "not that bad" rout, and the deviating path- How do you feel? Hind-sight is 20-20 right? How many times can you see it right after- that it's wrong? Most of the time probably, at least for the bigger things.
So what about the next time or the time after that or when you really slip- will the first time become more and more fuzzy? It DOES. That is how temptations work. That is how the adversary can get in to our minds and lead us down a road that is slightly off from where we really want to go. But eventually we lose the true perspective we once had and end up wayyyy far away from where we wanted to go in the first place.
So for me one of the reasons I've been thinking of, as to why we get in to these trends... is that we think we should take the easy way out. Sometimes we really feel like we should go around the problem and not deal with it. And although many times you can avoid things at the moment and do it again another time- sometimes you're just starting a bad habit. Every now and then you're doing it because of lack of faith. Lack of the little reminder that you really actually believe certain things and want to live a certain way. But it really just takes the little constant reminders of earnest prayer and communication with Heavenly Father, and studying His words. That can play such a huge role in your strength to hold fast to your best.
Life is about learning along the way. I am a big proponent of learning and I've found out that I learn most deeply and permanently as I endure trials. As I not just get through them- but endure them well I am able to understand basic principles of the gospel much more fully and can gain faith in whatever the Lord's will is for me. I know that we all can use some improvements in that area. Be strong in your convictions and in what you feel is true. Don't give in to the easy way because sometimes it's not just avoiding growing experiences but sometimes it can really hurt you if you slacken your commitments. Choose what you believe and how you want to live... then do it.

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