Friday, May 27, 2011

Be Here NOW

I feel like we get caught up in the wants of life- in the comforts and making sure we're taken care of or that our needs are met adequately. It's natural in many ways but now-a-days it seems that it's in excess because of our culture. I think it's so important to reflect regularly on what really matters and the things that make us truly happy. The simple thank you, a hug, a back scratch, a smile of gratitude. Sometimes we over think it, over do it, and the worldly influences get in the way of what really matters- what is at the core of true happiness.

I feel that happiness stems from real, true, honest caring for someone... not by someone because you can't really control that. If you are trying to then maybe that's something to look into. But really selflessly caring for the person you've chosen to trust, to love, to give your all to- forever! Real true charity doesn't care what it gets in return... it doesn't give to get- it simply gives. THAT is the goal- the concern and absolutely the point of true Christ-like love. You give and you don't do it because you expect anything in return. You do it because you want to show charity, love, and appreciation for that individual.

It's important to look for the times you feel yourself falling and the excitement of holding the hand of someone who is or looks like they may be that amazing friend you wait your whole life for. For those of us still trying to fall... make sure you pay attention to the love! Not just the value or the gifts or the car or the ring you could or should have... or what exactly they do for you. Just be here! Right here- right now! Pay attention to what's right in front of you and seek those awesome feelings of real love. Don't you think God could take care of you. If He puts two people together and gives you a great relationship isn't that the main thing that matters or do you need a Beemer to feel comfy? Cause I guarantee love doesn't care about all the things it can get in return... just a few. It grows with trust, real concern, listening and feeling like you have value and that what you think and say matters.

Wether you're married single or anywhere inbetween... be the person you are and want to be. Make the goals, do the work and get there. And with relationships- you do what you need to to make sure you'll have what you need, but remember the essentials. Remember what really counts and matters cause I don't care how much stuff I have when I die! If I'm not able to know that I was really truley in love with my best friend and that every day she knew that!-- then my life will have been in vain. I will have failed!!!

Precious Cargo

You know about a month ago I really should have written this... but right now will suffice. I had an eye opening experience which was quite simple but caught my attention... and made me think.
We go through this life and there are so many thigs we have to do. So much time is invested in running around being productive- making money so we can pay bills and have fun and meet up with friends, see our family, drive our car and get it all done on time. We give ourselves deadlines,we set goals, some deadlines are set for us... so many things to do so little time. Even when I'm not rushed I tend to rush myself out of habbit. On a side note I feel like I've been making myself so busy lately that I haven't had the time to do the most important things for my spiritual strength and otherwise personal growth- that's annother storie. But I heard a well known phrase by a good friend of mine a while back and it really hit me.
At the time I was having fun with the boys and kinda goofing off. Nothing that was too crazy but as I would expect from this girl she said "I am precious cargo". We all joked a little and us guys kinda played it off but she was SO rite.
I've spent a lot of time with my family the last month or two and the kids especially... and I think of what it'll be like someday to have my own little family. The things I'll do and say the rules I'll have and so many moments of teaching... and re-teaching too if they're anything like me : ) How often should we keep this in mind tho- while we're driving around town, as we choose friends to bring into or even just around our families and make choices that quite litterally could change our lives. We need to remember that wether it's ourselves or our loved ones in the car or standing by or however it may work out-They are the ones along with ourselves that can be effected by our choices. We are all precious cargo! We all deserve to be looked out for and protected, and need to be aware of how our choices will effect those around us. So lets buckle up, make sure we're choosing good friends- keeping ourselves in good company, drive safely and remember we are all precious in Gods eyes...