An assignment I had for an online class was to review the World Wide Leadership Training Meeting for the LDS church. I found that it was actually very interesting and of course the main focus was on strengthening the family. Elder Packer read the Proclamation and gave some feedback on it then there was a round table discussion by leaders of the church auxiliaries on the subject of strengthening the families. It is of such significance and importance that this is often the theme each year and should be given great attention to. The video and text files of this are online. It is over 60 minutes long. WWLT_2008_02_30__RoundtableDiscussion_00383_eng_vc1.wmv
Something I really got from the round table was right from the beginning. I liked what Elder Oaks (I think) said was about how we are mainly to do three things in life reguarding marriage.
Leave Parrents. Cleave unto one another. Become One.
To me this is such a simple task and I know if I focus on these simple principles it will be easier to fill in all the details along the way. As we look to eachother and gain a unity and committment to the Lord we will be strengthened individually as well as together with our spouse.
We need to LOOK first to one annother in our marriage. Confide in and communicate with one another about your thoughts and feelsings on all things first. It was stated that we would be blessed to get through our trials as we honor our covenants and cleave unto each other. This is important to me because I know that the first thing I do is pull away and think that I need alone time. It IS a good thing but we must soon after look to our spouse and the Lord to communicate our frustrations and concerns as well as our excitements and joys in life.
I am not yet married but it is very important to me and it was really nice to have these insighgts into making a marriage last through eternity and having that ability to then turn to your children and give them a happy healthy home to grow up in.
Children are really the reason we are here I've learned and I know that we have such a great responsibility to take care of and provide for them. As we secure a good foundation in our marriage we give our kids the added strength and momentum to push through the hard times in life and know they are always loved. I think it was the Primary president that said that the best way to get our needs met is to take care of someone else's.
That just seems so simple to me. It is a great way to look at it. And if that person is trying to be their best self and show you love and concern they also will make sure they are serving you and taking care of your needs in return. It's a great thing :)