Monday, July 22, 2013

Just Believe

Something I've thought much about has to do with how we change. To me one of the most compelling factors of this life is our ability to change and hopefully do so in a way that improves our place in life- especially emotionally and spiritually. It seems difficult to make our way through life's choices and prove valiant to what we believe all the time. We often choose poorly and sometimes even hurt those we love. Especially on a more personal level to me- it seems that there are a lot of ways our hesitancies and doubt can affect the things we're able to do, and what we do or don't do. There are many times I find myself hesitant to push forward with something I want to or need to do. One classic example is homework. I don't like homework and having to study and be tested. I'm sure all of us have our insecurities and distastes for school work. However, I think it is compounded as we continue to think about it and put it off or worry. I've found that many times if I just think about it, realize what needs to get done, and then choose to do it and make it happen- it goes so much better and usually faster too. We make things harder than they need to be and often over think, over analyze, and just build up anxiety for no real reason other than anticipating it's not going to be fun.
Another thought is, that it may just be we're not sure what's going to happen. We may not know if this person we're interested in is the "right one." We might not have a clear answer as to what job to take or career path we should go down. The road ahead isn't very clear and we don't know... but that will always happen! There will always be unknowns for us to worry about. THAT is where faith comes in! That is why we have our own divine heritage as well as the support and help of our Father and Savior both to buoy us up, and to apply the atonement as we exercise our faith in our abilities and the Lord's love and support. We are to lean on Him and often lean on ourselves. Trust that you have the ability to make it through and make the best choice. And if you don't- then pick again! Few things in this life are set in stone.
A place of insight and reference for me on the subject has been Elder Holland's talk last conference entitled "Lord I Believe." He describes the account in the scriptures where a father brings his sick child before the Master and pleads for the Lord to show compassion. In reply the Savior responds "if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord I believe... help thou mine unbelief."
 As Elder Holland points out, the father's initial response was in the affirmative. He speaks up and declares his belief, but immediately thereafter he pleads, "help thou mine unbelief." This hopeful father held the ground he already had, and first stepped forward- holding fast to what he already knew! Then ... AFTER he put his trust in the Lord, while also trusting in his own understanding and belief- he acknowledges his need for improvement. And gives us an amazing lesson on how we too need to stand fast upon the ground we've already won until further light and knowledge comes forth.
"The size of your faith or the degree of your knowledge is not the issue. It is the integrity towards the faith you do have and the truth you already know." "Do not start your quest for faith by saying how much you do not have- leading with your unbelief... Don't let those questions stand in the way of faith working it's miracle." We must stand up for truth wherever we can find it. "In this church what we know will always trump what we do not know. And remember, in this world everyone is to walk by faith." We all must apply the faith we have, and even some we don't have, through our belief, into the Lord's quite capable hands. We aren't put here on this earth to live our lives only in reaction to things we know... this world was designed to push us. This life was established to challenge us and to help us grow and we do that by trusting in what we don't always know. Which ironically is all in the Lord's hands. He knows, He understands, and we can put our trust in His all powerful, all knowing, omniscient, and eternally loving hands. And more especially when we do, He can bless us, He can heal us, and He will lead us to eternal life. But we have to let go of the doubt, the fear, and our own insecurities. Step forward first, then recognize your shortcomings but know the Lord has already secured your salvation and eternal joy- then keep calm... and cary on. These things I KNOW.

"Be not afraid, but believe."

Lord I believe:

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